&<>(M1::MODZ, M2::MODZ)::boolean M1 &<> M2
Test whether M1 and M2 represent different Abelian groups.
&=(M1::MODZ, M2::MODZ)::boolean M1 &= M2
Test whether M1 and M2 represent the same Abelian group.
The corank of a Z-module is its minimal number of generators.
directsum(M1::MODZ, ...)::MODZ
The direct sum of the given modules.
M1 := modz(1, [2]); M2 := modz([3]); |
directsum(M1, M2); |
MODZ[directsum](); |
modz(r::nonnegint, t::list(posint))::MODZ
Creates an object of type MODZ representing a Z-module isomorphic to Z^r+Z /t[1]+...+Z /t[-1]. The torsion part is transformed into a chain of divisors, and 1's are omitted. If r is omitted, it is taken to be 0; if t is omitted, it is taken to be the empty list.
modz(3, [2, 7, 8, 1]); |
modz(); evalb(modz() = 0); |
M1 := modz(1, [2])+modz([2]); type(M1, MODZ); |
M2 := directsum(modz(1, [2]), modz([2])); type(M2, MODZ); |
The rank of the (free) quotient of M by its torsion submodule.
The list of elementary divisors of the torsion submodule of M as a chain of divisors.